Oxbridge Interviews—Things to Keep in Mind
Everyone is in the same boat
The imposing world-renowned academics on the other end of your Zoom call will likely seem rather daunting. They may even have a tricky initial question up their sleeves which they ask you. Don’t worry and try not to be overwhelmed. All applicants will be feeling the same nerves, have had an equally poor night’s sleep and be receiving similarly difficult questions. All you can do is focus on yourself and what you know.
Tutors want to see your passion
As scary or friendly as your interviewers are, these are people who have devoted their lives to studying your subject. You must prove to them you want to spend three or four years of your life pursuing it diligently alongside them. They also want to give offers to people they would be happy to teach for several hours each week so show your enthusiasm and strut your stuff.
Some of it remains a mystery
Nobody really knows how each College and Faculty organises their interviewees. Some applicants Interview at one college, some at four or five. If you get “pooled” or sent to other colleges, it’s still quite possible you will receive an offer from your original choice. Similarly, if you don’t get pooled it doesn’t necessarily mean you weren’t good enough – perhaps the tutors were so impressed that they didn’t feel the need to send you elsewhere.