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Cambridge Tutors
Average rating:  
 1023 reviews
 by Mrs G
School year: 11

I just found out I got into Westminster, so I just wanted to say thanks for the help in preparing for the exam and interview.

 by Mrs T
School year: 13

Excellent tutor. Thank you for helping my daughter. We are very grateful.

 by Mrs T
School year: 13

Excellent tutor. Thank you for helping Anastasios. We are very grateful.

 by Mrs L
School year: 13

Excellent tutor who provides very detailed and helpful feedback and advice on how to improve.

 by Mrs R
School year: 13

Stephanie was very friendly, very encouraging and extremely helpful overall. Stephanie also forwarded some links for further learning on the scientific topics on the mock interview which my son found very helpful. Overall absolutely pleased and thank you so much!

 by Mrs R
School year: 13

Suleyman was very helpful in addressing the areas that needed improvement and also suggested how to and this was extremely helpful for my son. Thank you!

 by Mrs H
School year: 13

Beth was great, thank you

 by Mrs D
School year: 13

Very helpful and encouraging!

 by Mrs B
School year: 13

I want to express my thanks to both Victoria and Cassian for their recent sessions with my daughter concerning her assessment and interview preparation. Their guidance and insight has been so helpful in navigating through the admissions process, so my sincere thanks to them both for such valuable time spent. A particular thanks to Cassian for the mock interviews last week which went a long way in settling my daughter's nerves for today.

 by Mrs C
School year: 13

Cindy is knowledgeable and a firm tutor. She has guided us to make answers clear and succinct. Cindy has many different format of testing students. She genuinely is able to see the many facet of a candidate. Cindy has made us go the extra mile. We felt the adrenaline stepped up by her session. She was able to move us along to score more points on more discussion. Cindy gives credit only to where it's worth. It was eye-opening to meet her standards. I do think we need a variety of tutors and diversity of their views. Oxford Tutor gave us that constellation of aspiring academics, who are an inspiration to us.

 by Mrs C
School year: 13

Adam is a gifted Economist. His love for the field shines through. Adam only had positive re-affirmation, so tactfully done which really reflect what a good tutor he is. Adam has shared a list of topics to improve. He has guided us to Quality sites. Just on meeting Adam alone, the Course has been 100% worth it's value. Thank you so much.

 by Mrs W
School year: 13

Amy has been amazing for my daughters Oxbridge interview tutoring. She’s provided lots of support and insight. Thank you

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