Tutoring for 7+ 8+ 11+ and 13+ entrance exams requires specialist knowledge and particular expertise in verbal and non-verbal reasoning. We have tutors with proven success records, experienced in preparing children for a wide range of entrance exams.
A good tutor will help to relieve the stress, while preparing your child thoroughly to do their best on the day.
11+ Entrance Exams · 13 + Entrance Exams · 13+ Scholarships Exams
11+ and 11+ Pre-testing
Experienced teachers with proven success records will support your child with 11+ preparation. Our 11+ English and Maths lesson packages have been designed and tested by prep school experts.
Verbal reasoning
Non-verbal reasoning
Interview practice (if required)

13+ Entrance Exams
We have a vast range of experience at 13+ across a great number of schools. Whether it be 13+ Common Entrance or 13+ for specific schools, our teachers will help to build confidence and provide academic expertise and support, to ensure the best possible performance on the day. All subjects offered.
13+ Scholarship Exams
Be it the King’s Scholarship at Eton, the Winchester Election, or the Scholarship exams for a full range of schools, we have teachers with years of experience in building confidence, coaching and stretching academically able children, enabling them to do their very best in Scholarship exams and interviews.